
Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Need for speed

Need For Speed

  • The difference between speed and velocity is that speed has only magnitude (or size),it has no specific direction,but velocity has magnitude as well as direction. 

  • Displacement is the shortest distance travelled by a body from one point to other. It is a vector quantity. Which has both magnitude and direction. The displacement is illustrated by the given figure.


  • Distance is a measure to find out how much area is covered by a moving body when it is travelled from one point to the other it is similar quantity , which does not have any direction only the magnitude is there in the case of the distance. The given figure will explain about the distance.

Science Reflection

Past few days that we've had science in our jump start class we've learnt about the achievement standards , and how many credits we earn. For 4 internal standards we earn 16 credits together and for 2 external standards we earn 8 credits and all together we earn 24 credits in our science class. Our class also learnt about variables and what they mean. For me, science was quite easy because we've already learnt this before and it was more of a revision to me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


In science I have been learning about all sorts of different things. Such as Cow's Eye Dissection. Did you know that the difference between an cow eye and a human eye is that the eye becomes cloudy after death for cows. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Recap : Website - Tools and Techniques

We have been using HTML in DigiTech and also CSS. HTMLis the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications.